Sunday, January 15, 2012

And Again

So probably one of the most trying things of my recovery is dealing with other people.

It's hard because others don't understand. I'm so thin skinned right now. Just the slightest thing said I can take it and twist and turn it just to make sure that some how it is meant for me.

I hate that!

I don't know how to change it either. I know a lot of the comments or what not have nothing to do with me but it just is hard to not feel it and allow it to get to me.

I was doing good for a.. well 4 days .. but then again I have to go back to Ed.

Ed is so supportive. I know it sounds crazy .. but when you've been in this relationship with Ed for so long .. there's nothing you won't do to make sure ..

It's like a divorce. You do everything and anything to make sure that it'll work out. And even then you keep trying to make sure it'll come out.

It's a tough call tho.. how do you decide if it's a best decision or not. I mean I know healthy wise .. obviously .. but there's so much more then just health. IDK..

I just don't know..that's what it comes down to. I really hope that others and even Ky and Brayd can keep moving forward but just that they have a goodish life.. That's all I want for them.

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