Wednesday, March 28, 2012

I have no idea

I wake up in the morning lately feeling like dog poop. Or that I got hit by a truck. I've actually been sleeping.. well somewhat.. better then before. But all I want is to continue to sleep.

In the mornings I feel like CRAP! I don't want to get out of bed, and I'm so sore. It's like every muscle and bone in my body is just aching. And I'm congested, which I'm not sick. Or maybe I am and just on the start of it. Or it could be because I wasn't sleeping the past few weeks.

So to lead into Ed. It's a very easy discussion with him right now. Well has been.

But here's a bit of a discussion. Last Friday it was:
Me: I'm going to do it. Sit down make your meal plan you got this .. Start on Monday!
Ed: Hell no, what are you thinking.
Me: I need to do this! I'm going to do this!
Ed: Okay you try.. hah

Saturday it was
Me: Okay two more days, you got this you'll get it!
Ed: MMHMM.. Keeping thinking that
Me: Whatever

Ed: Well todays going to be fun
Me: Christ I know
Ed: haha you can't eat.. that's great
Me: well I'm starting tomorrow so it's okay

Sunday Night: (well some know the story.. and I won't tell who doesn't know.. sorry)
Ed: Look you can't do it now
Me: I can't ..

That's how easy it is for me to give into Ed. Someone else decides my mood and behavior and I'm in with Ed. And I shouldn't say that they decide it, but I allow them to change it instead of just being okay with me and what I'm doing.

So to say the least Ed and I are still as one. =/

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