Thursday, March 15, 2012

Some PPL

So I have this friend.. wait there let go back on that. My sister has a friend from college that moved here and of course my sis gives her my number and all.

At first I didn't mind. I mean she is older then I am and has been married for a long time with one child who is in the 8th grade. I mean they are nice, but it's just not my cup of tea.

Well, the one problem I tend to have is when I'm tired I can't seem to shut my mouth. Kinda like those drunk ppl that you see who just keep going and you want to shut them up .. that's me when I'm tired. And I'm like scary truthful.

One day she called and I told her about Ed. I don't know why I did, but it was in the beginning of my search in recovery and I was just blabbing. Come to find out her sister (who is my age, has 3 kids) has Ed also. So this friend, well lets call her Bee haha.. just so then you get who I'm talking about. So bee was like telling me her side of things and I would tell her how I could see from her sisters perspective. It was like nice to talk with someone and get my feelings out and then also help her understand the feelings and urges.

That was short lived!

She know calls and first wants to be on the phone for like 2-3 hrs. And it's like I don't have that time to sit here and talk and I know I can clean at the same time but it's just like I don't want a phone glued to me.

And she know gives me advice on what to eat. She'll ask me how I'm doing (which now I lie so I don't have to hear all the shit) But before when I would say that I was struggling she's like oh well you should eat this or do that. Just go for a run. What??? When? When Zae is locked up in the closest??

I've also somewhat (not in depth) talked about my finances. Which they are comfortable I would say.. Truly don't know but when you build the house that they did and do all that they did with the backyard and what not .. kinda leaning towards your a lot better off then I am. Specially considering how much it costs me to going to my T and have my doctors appointments along with my scripts. And then just every day expenses. She wants me to go to a gym with her. It's like I don't have strength to do anything. And I'm definitely NOT going with someone so they can try to tell me what I should eat and not eat. Leave me alone!

So I've been avoiding her calls now for like 3 weeks. And I tend to feel bad, but I am busy. Well busy in my mind. I think counts haha. But we have also been running around. It's not like I couldn't set time aside to call but I just really don't want to listen to it. And because she's my sisters friend I feel obligated. I'll probably call today and come up with some excuse to get off the phone.

Oh once I did that .. she called around lunch (which I already planned on not eating but that's another story) but I was on the phone with her for 2 hrs and 5 minutes. At like an hour 1/2 I told her that I needed to get Zae lunch. And she goes off going oh what are you guys eating?? I just said left overs and she's like oh .. ya you should have this and that though too. It's like SHUT UP!!!! AHHH!!

I just don't understand why they can't shut up. These ppl that think they know right. Like bee she's trying to lose weight. Good for you. I don't need to hear anything. I don't need to know how much you weigh. About I could just take your extra weight to put on me. A.. what?? Hello.

I completely understand now why she had issues with her sister and why her sisters T told her to stop talking to bee. That's where I feel like I am right now. I just don't want to have anything to do with her. Kinda annoyed with my sister because she introduced us. Specially cause my sister laughs when I call her a bitch haha:) Luckily we have a good relationship.

Like Kim doesn't asked all these questions. She'll maybe ask how I'm doing. And if I say I'm struggling she's like just I guess more lost for words. She just wants me to get better and she doesn't pressure me. (well she tried and figured out real fast that that doesn't work).

But if there is anything that I can get across here for those who maybe don't have an ed or know someone that does. We need support not advice!

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