Thursday, February 23, 2012

Get Off My Back

Okay so it's hard enough to carry Ed.. I don't need to have everyone else on me as well!!

Keep telling me how I should of.. could of.. what was I thinking?! Leave me alone. God damn I don't do things right! Okay got the memo!!! I got it .. I suck what else do you want???? Just for gods sakes move on. Find someone else!

So Tom and I got married back in 2004. I had to change like everything when it came on our wedding. His sister couldn't wear this color and those people .. blah blah blah. I wanted the color purple. I was going to have Iris flowers (had that dream since I was 14). But nope instead.. didn't happen. Because Melissa wouldn't look good in purple. I only wished I had the strength that I do now that I would have told her tough luck this is MY colors deal with it or get out. Instead I ended up with a baby blue and pink. Probably two of my worst colors. I was just trying to satisfy my in-laws. I don't know why .. I can't even stand the thought.

I can't even stand even more then that the thought that my husband didn't stand up for me and say this is our wedding not yours! That this is what she wants not what you want.

Honestly I can't wait til Melissa gets married because I am SO going to pull the same shit. Except I'll do it more as a joking manner but I am definitely going to say well I don't look good in that color. (even if it is something like white or black lol).

So back to the whole thingie.. I just can't stand ppl constantly telling me what I am and am not doing right. It's like okay well when you get your life perfect then you get to have some type of opinion. Other then that.. Shut UP!!!

I am sick of listening to how horrible of a person I am and how I should be this or that. Well I'm not. I don't know what to say more then that. I AM NOT THAT! I am who I am.. take it if you want.. leave if you want. I am me. Deal or No Deal:)

Just tired of fighting.. I'm ready to be So done!!

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