Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Just Plain Frustrated

So Eventho I'm really not trying to do anything. I'm just trying to breath.. it's not working. Even according to Tom when I told him that others were liked worried or upset with me that I said I was taking my break, he even said that I really am not. That I'm still thinking about it and going thru the process. He basically or at least what I got was go down the road that I need to take. Guess that's how I would have done anyways without someone telling me. 

But now to get to my issues. First, my internet is down. How I have no idea. Luckily enough they made these frickin phones that you can connect to the damn commuter to be able to have internet. Lucky me. 

Last night Tom's mother called. So she asked me to take her to the airport tomorrow. (Not today but tomorrow). And it's not like it's THAT much of a problem it's just a problem because we talked about these a couple weeks ago and why would you not have said something then. But whatever I'm just going to keep my mouth shut. BUT.. then she goes into her whole we need to buy a house thing. How cheap it is and it's useless to be renting and blah blah blah. 

Well to me .. I .. well 1. We can't afford to do it. Ever since we attempted to buy a house and ended up not getting it because of the fucking economy and banks (it truly had NOTHING to do with us and our offer.. I know this because they sold it after foreclosure 25k less then what we offered.. so it's just a bit fishy) Okay so then 2. We have a great landlord. 3. We have great friends just around the corner that can and will do anything to help out. 4. Oh did I say we don't have the money:) haha.. But so, Tom's mom always is like "Buy a House.. You Really Need to Buy" "Specially Now". 

Why am I pissed. Well, I have now told him 3 times before last night that he needed to tell her to .. well basically SHUT UP! He said he didn't know how and I said well be sarcastically funny. Meaning saying haha well you put up the money and we'll buy it:) Not that I would expect her to or anything like that, but thought maybe then she would finally SHUT UP. 

Okay so he's on the phone with her and I'm getting frustrated. I asked him 2 separate times to leave the room. I sat there and told him to tell her to stop just stop and he wouldn't. So I'm like leave before I freak. So he leaves to only come back in the room where I'm going WTF !?!?!?! Not once but twice. To then go back into the bathroom after I gave him this look of death. And then it's it. I'm pissed. And when I say pissed I mean PISSED!!!! So I have to pass the bathroom to go out into the garage and I scream.. YOU FUCKING PAY FOR THE DAMN HOUSE WE'LL FUCKING BUY IT! She heard something .. what I don't know. Tom said that she did ask what that was all about and I honestly can't trust what my husb says or doesn't say.

I'm just tried of it. I mean christ .. if we could afford to do it.. specially now, we would do it. But even then, that's been here sold goal if for us to buy a house. For good lords sake she wanted us to buy a frickin 600k house when we first moved here and I'm pregnant.. like really??? Come on! I'm trying to be reasonable. 

What got me tho, he didn't say anything. What I fear right now is that I am so upset that tonight if she shows up at the game and even thinks twice about saying anything about it.. well I'm not shutting my mouth this time. After so many times of asking my husband to stand up for me and he continues to just sit back and be all Mr. Nice Nice.. (wished he was more like that with me.. considering his mom and dad did what they have done to him, and the fact that I've stood right next to him for about 9 yrs now.. about the same amount of time he got from his mother.. what a GREAT:) Mom.. she's just wonderful huh.. get the sarcasm) Anyways.. can't tell I'm bitchy can ya. Well, all I know is I will say something. I already told him I'm over it .. he'll get about 10 seconds to respond and if he doesn't we'll my mouth won't stay shut. And that's not really a good thing. Specially considering my blood is already boiling. 

Then there's tomorrow. Sh*t .. not sure why I'm putting the * there considering I've been cussing all over:) But oh well haha. Anywho, tomorrow if she says anything on the way to the airport about it, I'm fricking stuck in a god damn car with her where I know I'll want to reach across and strangle her! I get that I probably have an anger issues.. oh well. What ever anyways..

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