Wednesday, August 29, 2012

What a Month!

Well this month has been crazy for me.

After I got home from S.D. and dealing with all that what I considering to be nonsense. I ended up bloating out. Or so I thought I was bloating. Long story shortish:P was I ended up developing ascites and they didn't know why. They prescribed me water pills and put me on a low sodium diet. The hardest part was that I had no choice in giving up Ed. I couldn't purge for my life. It hurt more then anything emotionally and mentally and physically to even try. And I just continued to put on weight. Finally last week my primary told me to go to the hospital to see a doctor he knew that somewhat specialized in this all so he gave that doctor all my info. and long and behold I was there for 5 days. I got my abdomen drained of fluid twice equaling a total of 8 Liters. And you would then think that I wouldn't have a belly right.. no I still look like I"m 6 months pregnant. I had a biopsy done on my liver which the results were I have autoimmune hepatitis. I guess it's something I would have had all my life but now just later on in life it's becoming apparent. What it basically is, I have my good cells not being able to tell the difference of the good and bad coming in to my body so it just attacks everything. So I'm home, but I have to somewhat take things easy. I will get up getting edema in my legs and ankles if I'm on them too long and then I'm on a low sodium and high protein diet.

School started for the kids this week, which really didn't help things at all either. I got released from the hospital on Sunday to turn around to get them off to school on Monday. Kyler has been a pain because he's just hard to work with when it comes to homework, and they just started:(

Then to make matters worse both vehicles need repair work done on them and here we really don't have the money. Specially when we get the bill in to from the hospital.


Well, when it comes to Ed. He's still there. Right now it's a bit easier because I actually have a reason for being 'fat'. But it's not like I can't hear him. I have this gut wrenching feeling that what I was, the way I was, the way I liked it.. well it's gone forever. I'm not sure how I feel about that. But it will take months for me to actually recover from this or at least that it's moderated, that's when things will actually become difficult. Til then. I'm hoping Sept brings on better news!

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